photo of campus entrance


Office of the Registrar
Red Hawk Central
Telephone: 973-655-4376
Fax: 973-655-7371

The Office of the Registrar performs numerous functions that are closely related to the academic mission of the University. These include scheduling of courses, registration, academic records maintenance, grades processing, official transcripts, final audit for graduation, development and maintenance of the University’s automated analysis of curricular requirements program, curriculum administration, and oversight for development of the University catalog.  The Red Hawk Central web page provides 24-7 access to forms and information regarding the functions of the office. Following is a brief description of each function. If you need further assistance, please contact us at or 973-655-4376.

Scheduling: The office coordinates and organizes the listing of courses which are offered in a specific semester.  Departments are responsible for course offerings and times, including cancellations and additions. The Scheduling Area also processes requests for room changes. The Web Schedule of Courses book is published by the Registrar for the fall and spring semesters; the Summer Sessions schedule book is produced by the Office of Summer Sessions and Special Programs.

Registration: The office coordinates students’ registrations for courses via NEST. Registration for Independent Studies, course overloads, and undergraduate students with permission to take graduate courses is done for students in the office. Class lists must be checked via NEST for accuracy and completeness.

Withdrawal from classes is processed online via NEST or in the office from students’ written requests; deadline dates must be adhered to. The Office also handles student requests for enrollment verification for loans, social security, health insurance and other related purposes.

Academic Records: Upon receipt of undergraduate academic program adjustments the Office of the Registrar posts credits from work at other institutions, CLEP, CEEB advanced standing, credit-by-examination and veteran’s credits.

Using the Matriculation Tracking System (MTS), Graduate Program Coordinators submit alterations to graduate student programs which are applied to the students’ records by our office staff as well.

Degree and honors notations are posted to records after the three graduation dates each year.

Grade Reporting: Grading is coordinated by the Office of the Registrar. Grades are posted by the faculty online via the NEST portal. University policy requires that faculty submit all grades no later than five business days after the last posted class date of that semester or part of term.   Once NEST is closed for a given semester, grade changes are submitted to the Registrar by the faculty via Banner Self Service with approval from the Department Chair and the College/School Dean.

Transcripts:  Students may request official copies of their academic records to be sent to themselves or to other institutions, businesses, etc. Transcript requests are processed online via NEST, or through The National Student Clearinghouse, and by submitting the transcript request form available at Red Hawk Central or on the Web. Complete instructions are available at Request Transcripts.

Final Audit:
Prior to the final semester, an academic evaluation is completed for students who have filed in the Office of the Registrar for graduation/program completion by the following deadlines:
October 1 — May conferment
March 1 — August conferment
June 1 — January conferment
Students are notified of their remaining academic requirements.  At the midpoint of the final semester, students who are not enrolled in courses required to complete their program are notified that their graduation is in jeopardy, pending removal from the graduation list.  Students expecting to receive State of New Jersey instructional, educational services, or administrative certificates are notified of the filing dates by the Office of the Registrar.

Curriculum, Course Administration, University Catalog:  In addition to oversight for development of the University Catalog, the Office of the Registrar administers the maintenance of curricular and course alterations, as well as new program and course proposals.  Curricular/course action forms are available via the Provost’s web page.

Other forms relating to the functions of the Registrar are available on the Web as well as at Red Hawk Central.